Unicorn Hazard are created by Casper Høg in the factory that consists of the close collaboration between his amazing drawing skills and complex creative brain farts! 🧠 🦄⚠️
Ever since I was a little kid I was flabbergasted by tongue in cheek T-shirts.
On holidays I would spend all my allowance on T-shirts with funny illustrations, and proudly wear them while watching how people would smile and laugh.
It was like handing out free smiles 😃
So now after 30 years as a professional Character designer, Storyboarder & Illustrator, it’s time to get back to fun T-shirts.
I hope you will support my work by buying a T-shirt and experience the fun & joy in bringing more smiles to the world by walking down the street minding your own business, while looking good.
Casper Høg
Creator of Unicorn Hazard 🦄 ⚠️